Jan 24, 2013


via @someecards

Humor. Laughter. Jokes. Pranks. (nice ones, not mean scary ones)... My favorite topic. We have all heard the saying a million trillion times... "Laughter is the best medicine". Yep, it sure is for me. I get this silly, twisted, sometimes dry sense of humor from... I think the mailman. No one else in my immediate family has the same sense of humor as me....although they pinkie promise me that I am the funniest person they know. They lie to make me feel accepted. It's cool. I understand. Not everyone can laugh at just about any situation. I can. It can be a wonderful thing. It can also get me in all sorts of trouble and shenanigans  I would not change my sense of humor for a million buckaroos. My ability to find humor on a daily basis gets me through those "I want to hide under the covers on my amaze-balls memory foam bed" days that we all have- and if you do not have those types of days in your life, please insert your name next to "liar" in the dictionary :).... Side note: I just had to add amaze-balls to my online dictionary because I am sick and tired of Chrome telling me it is not proper grammar. Listen, I know no one wants to read blog posts full of grammar errors...but be forewarned, there will be grammar errors on occasion here. Feel free to be the grammar police for me...but I really enjoy making up words so I won't always care. Classy? Nope. I didn't start this blogging jazz to be classy, I started it to be 150% ME. I love writing. I love sharing stories. I love love love reading other blogs, and I LOVE TO LAUGH... and that is why I am blogging. So I will get all into my jibber jabber at times and not put the i before the e except after c..if you get my drift. I want to share some fun things about myself here...and link up and share with others... tonight I desperately needed to laugh...and boom- Humor is posted. 

Top 5 ways I end up laughing so hard I am shedding tears:

1. Modern Family. Enough said.

2. Browsing through the someecards app on my Android. Some are just wrong!! So dang funny.

3. Tripping. I trip over my own feet at least 3 times a day. In public. Then I laugh at myself. Can you picture it? Not classy. 

4. Ellen. Ellen D. NEEDS to be my BFF. I can't get through a minute without laughing. Love her. ps- if you don't follow her producer Andy Lassner on Twitter, you must. He is the corn to my cob when it comes to humor. 

5. Sitting in any meeting/service/function when laughing is completely inappropriate. That is the worst. Ya know...you have a small joke with someone, not even funny, and then you can not get yourself under control and end up making a complete joke of yourself....yeah, that would be me. 

So there ya have it. Always remember... "you can have all the mayo in the world, but ya can't make chicken salad outta chicken crap!"

Til manana,

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